Private Experiences & River Trips
Private Experiences & River Trips
If you have a social group or club that would like to go on a river trip or simply just experience kayaking then we can accommodate you. Having previously worked with school groups, cubs, exchange students, as well as various social groups, we can fulfil whatever you require. Please feel free to Contact Us to discuss your needs.
Family or Friends Kayaking Experience
We can run a closed group private kayaking session for your family or a group of friends. Whatever your requirements, a 2hr introductory session, river trip, a day's coaching, or just a 2hr fun session. We start all private group fun sessions with a short safety briefing and then onto the water where the fun begins. We make sure you're in control of your kayak or sit-on-top by teaching you some basic manoeuvring and general kayaking skills before making our way along the lake. In no time you'll be racing up and down the lake using your new skills. We play a few water based games before (for those who are brave enough) trying a full capsize!
What about a birthday party? We run birthday parties for all ages throughout the year.
River Trip Guiding
If you're running a trip on your own and would like some advice or a coach to assist you, please get in contact and we'll do whatever we can to help.
Prices & Booking
Please Contact Us to confirm we are able to provide the service you require on the dates you would like. Once thats done you can complete your booking or just view prices by clicking below.